Monday, January 10, 2011

You know you're from Ellerslie if...

In honor of the start of the Ellerslie Winter/Spring season starting, I present this lighthearted post. My apologies to everyone who hasn't been through Ellerslie; it's not my intention to make you feel excluded. It was simply a stroll down Memory Lane for me and I hope it brings a smile to somebody.

You know you're from Ellerslie if...
  • you know where Windsor, CO is without looking it up.
  • you say, "Good job, buddy!" as a quote.
  • you know more than a dozen people who pace while they pray.
  • you can't describe something as rich without adding dark chocolate rich.
  • you laugh whenever someone says something about, "There are three things".
  • you know what enunciate and efficacious mean.
  • you think Johnson and Falencia are two of the cutest kiddos in the world.
  • "God Most High" and "Jesus I My Cross Have Taken" are two of your favorite songs.
  • you know what book the Chapter 5 is in.
  • "Ono" reminds you of going out for coffee.
  • you use odd Greek-English phrases like "No ekkakeo!"
  • you're the Big Meanie's Archenemy Number 1.


  1. Can i "steal" this and post it on my blog? :D I really like it!!!

  2. Sure... especially if you email me your recipe for Hummingbird Cake! ;)

  3. I didn't know people made cakes out of hummingbirds. :-P-

  4. You should see our recipe for Elephant Stew. LOL :D

  5. Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time! ;-)- You should follow my blog again, I've got a new look and a new focus for the new year. Btw, I checked out that link "How to wash your hair w/out Shampoo" out of pure curiosity. I won't be doing that, but I think it's an interesting way to save money for sure.

  6. lol! that was funny...but it also makes me lonesome for that dear place and all those wonderful people! :'(
