Friday, May 10, 2013

A boy I'd like to know better

Kenton, my nephew. :)

His parents are divorced.

I still love them.

The story's not over yet.

I believe God will do the impossible.

Bring it on!

PS: Just for fun, here's a picture of baby Chris:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Belles of the Ball

One of the highlights of my recent trip to Wisconsin was the Civil War Ball, hosted by my wonderful friend Libby S. Besides waltzes, there were old-fashioned country dances, called by Mr. S., and some square dancing, called by Libby's brothers.

     ^ The Ladies ^

   ^ (some of) The Gentlemen ^   

Aleks and Amanda


Laura and I. I made Laura's dress. My dress was borrowed, but just right. Hoops were an interesting adventure.

Me and Libby :)

Anna and Shelby

Cutie-bug Shelby